About Me

Hi there and thank you for being interested enough to visit my Haiku Blog!

My name is John Robert Belchamber (JRB) I’m just a regular middle aged, happily married father of three, living life on the wonderful Sunshine Coast , Queensland, Australia.


Why Use The R?

I know it’s not common for people to use their middle initial these days. My Dad was John Belchamber so at a young age I realized that to the outside world, the ‘R’ was what differentiated us. Though my Dad passed away many years ago, the older I get, the more that ‘R’ becomes one of the few ways to tell us apart.


Secular Humanism is the ‘badge’ that most closely describes my outlook on life, however I do not profess to have mastered living by all of its precepts. I guess above all, I believe as Voltaire may have done, people have the right to believe in whatever they wish that as long as they cause no harm to others. No one has the right to force their beliefs on others, nor should they attack or exclude others because of their differeing beliefs. Philosophy, religion and science all have a great depth of wisdom that we can all learn from…if we care to listen.

My interests include (but are not limited to: reading, Writing, Philosophy, Ideas, Science & Technology, Sailing, Gadgets, Music and enjoying time with my family and friends.

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Brisbane, Australia

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